Cameras in front of Academy building make students feel ‘uneasy’

The cameras installed in front of the Academy building in early May make students feel uncomfortable, Groningen student union GSb concludes following discussions with its members and student associations.

‘Students feel like they are being watched’, says GSb chair Jitske Wielers, ‘and at the very least, they find them unsightly.’ There are four masts, each with three cameras and a number of floodlights that can illuminate the entire Broerplein. The cameras are trained on Academy building, the University Library, and the open space between them.

They were put in place after several UG buildings were defaced with pro-Palestinian slogans, and windows were smashed at locations including the University Library and the Academy building. However, Wielers notes, that was months ago. ‘This is only driving a wedge between the university and the students.’

Lijst Calimero in the university council has asked to remove the cameras, but so far without success. Citing ‘national developments’, the UG declined to say whether or not the cameras will be removed, only stating that the use of the cameras is continuously being evaluated.

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