UG supports protest against budget cuts, board may attend

The UG is encouraging both staff and students to attend upcoming national demonstrations against the multi-billion-euro cuts to higher education. The board of directors plans to attend as well.

The board aims to join the protest on November 14 in Utrecht, where the education union AOb and WOinActie are organising an afternoon protest march. While the board is committed to attending, it depends on scheduling, according to UG spokesperson Anja Hulshof.

The university has rescheduled its own management day, originally planned for November 14, to allow other UG administrators to attend the protest.

Work exemptions

Staff who wish to attend the protest will be exempt from work on that day, provided they reschedule their duties. They need to discuss options with their supervisors to minimise disruptions to education and regular operations.

Attendees will have to cover their own travel costs to Utrecht, although union members can claim travel expenses through their unions.

Exams continue as planned

On Friday, October 18, students, led by the national student union LSVb, will protest in The Hague for better financial support. The UG encourages students to participate, though exams and tests will proceed as scheduled.

Students who plan to attend are advised to coordinate with their lecturers, and the UG has asked faculty to be flexible in allowing students to join the protest.

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