Pro-Palestinian slogans painted on Heymans building and board office


Once again, several UG buildings have been vandalised. This time, the pro-Palestinian slogans were painted on the Heymans building and the UG’s Muurstraat office, where the board resides. At the Muurstraat building, a number of windows had been smashed as well. 

The defacements were discovered on Monday morning. On the Heymans building’s walls and windows, slogans like ‘RUG Cut Ties’ and ‘People Are Dying’ can be seen, as well as splatters in bright red paint. On the ground in front of the building it reads ‘Free Palestine’.

The university has temporarily closed off the main entrance to the Heymans building as well as the bike parking area with red and white barricade tape. A cleaning company was enlisted, but so far neither they nor Monday’s downpour have been able to scrub all the paint away.


The UG has filed a police report, says a UG spokesperson. The police has said that they are carrying out a ‘neighbourhood investigation’. They are currently trying to gather camera footage and eyewitnesses from both the university and any neighbouring buildings.

Why the Heymans building in particular was targeted is unknown. Previously, the UB and the Academy building were vandalised with painted slogans, and the UB’s windows were smashed. Cameras and spotlights have since been installed on Broerplein.

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