UG closes all buildings in the city centre; entrance only with a pass (UPDATE)

All university buildings in the Groningen city centre are closed to non-UG visitors on Tuesday because of the pro-Palestine demonstration in front of the Academy Building. Only those with a UG pass may enter.

People who want to go to the UB or one of the other buildings have to enter via the side entrance. There is extra security there. Although it is likely many of the protesters have UG passes, this will give the university better insight into who enters, according to a spokesperson.

The UG is extra vigilant after the occupation of a building on the Oude Boteringestraat last week. ‘We have visible and invisible measures, like other times,’ says the spokesperson. ‘One of the visible measures is that we have extra security at all buildings.’

The pro-Palestine protesters are calling on people to walk out of their lectures at noon on Tuesday and join the protest in front of the Academy Building. On the Groningen camp’s Instagram page, they ask people to ‘join when they can, as it will be a long demonstration’.

Police brutality

The protest is against what the protesters call ‘police violence against students and the tent camp’. They oppose what they say was police brutality during the occupation last week, in which several people were injured.

The protesters are also aiming their arrows at the UG. They feel that the board of directors is responsible for the police action and that president Jouke de Vries should take responsibility for it.

Besides the demands to disclose and sever ties with Israel, the protesters also demand De Vries’ resignation.

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