Anonymous group of students sabotages light and camera towers on Broerplein

A group of students cut the power cables to the light and camera towers at the Broerplein during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday.

Footage of the action was posted Wednesday afternoon on the Instagram page encampment.rug. The group managing the page claims not to have been involved, stating the video was anonymously sent by the perpetrators.

The video shows an individual, appearing to use bolt cutters, approaching one of the towers and cutting something. The green lights on the towers immediately go out. The person then moves on to the other tower, seemingly repeating the act.

Police report

‘The power cables were indeed cut last night’, confirmed an UG spokesperson. It remains unclear whether the cameras were also disabled. ‘We are investigating this and are in talks with the tower supplier to restore functionality.’

The university has reported the incident to the police. ‘An investigation is underway, and we are working with the police to determine exactly what happened’, the spokesperson added. The cables had been repaired again by Wednesday evening.

‘Illegal cameras’

According to the Instagram post, the students allege the cameras were illegally installed after a pro-Palestine tent protest in May. ‘We, as students of the university, do not consent to being filmed and spied on and have therefore taken action to sabotage the cameras.’

The students demand the university remove the cameras and warn that they will continue sabotaging the towers if this does not happen.

More criticism

In late October, Groningen student union GSb also criticised the cameras, with chair Jitske Wielers stating: ‘Students feel spied on.’

Similarly, student party Lijst Calimero called for the removal of the cameras during a university council meeting in October. The university board said it continuously evaluates their use but, citing ‘national developments’, declined to commit to removing them.

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