Feringa Building won’t be completed until 2026 

The Feringa Building has suffered yet another delay. Instead of this summer, the first departments won’t move in until next year.

‘It’s mainly because of suppliers and things like that’, says UG spokesperson Elies Kouwenhoven. ‘It’s a difficult time for construction.’


The building itself will be finished as planned, on July 1. That also means classes will be taught there. However, there is ‘unforeseen work left to do’, Kouwenhoven explains. It involves equipment for the laboratories.

That’s why the first departments will be moving in in March of 2024. This means the final completion date has moved by a year. The building should now be finished in 2026.


Construction of the gas-free Feringa Building, which will be 62,000 square metres, has been happening in fits and starts. The building was initially supposed to be finished by 2021, but the rising costs meant the tender was halted. 

In the end, Ballast Nedam was contracted in 2018, with a completion date set for 2023. A court case about the tender process for the technical infrastructure in 2019 delayed construction once again. Then, the Covid pandemic caused global issues with the delivery of materials, and the completion date was postponed to 2025. But now it won’t be finished until 2026.

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