Video: The Feringa Building is coming along

The Feringa Building is coming along

It’s one of the biggest construction projects in the north of the Netherlands rights now: the new Feringa Building at the Zernike campus. UKrant dropped by to see how it’s going.
2 December om 10:35 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 2 December 2020
om 10:35 uur.
December 2 at 10:35 AM.
Last modified on December 2, 2020
at 10:35 AM.
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Door Lidian Boelens

2 December om 10:35 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 2 December 2020
om 10:35 uur.
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By Lidian Boelens

December 2 at 10:35 AM.
Last modified on December 2, 2020
at 10:35 AM.

Since 2019, people have been working hard on constructing the brand new building for the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

A small section of the building, named after Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa, already has scaffolding put up and it’s expected that the first parts of the new building will be operational by 2022, when the last bit of the old building will make room for the new building.

The new building will have room for a thousand bachelor students and 450 master students. It will also be outfitted with all kinds of technological marvels for first-rate laboratory research, like vibration-free floors.


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