What will the world look like in ten years? Write a letter to your future self

These are turbulent times: war, climate issues, political changes, polarisation. We feel a lot, and we think a lot. Many students and staff are afraid and concerned. What will the world look like in ten years? And what will their place in it be?

UKrant invites you to share your feelings and ideas in a letter to your future self. Do you want to send yourself a letter of complaint? Or offer some encouragement? Would you like to preserve a snapshot of this moment? Or just get everything off your chest?

The contents of the letter are up to you, as is the format, as long as it doesn’t exceed 400 words.

All submissions will be published on the UKrant website.

Would you like to share your story? Email your letter by Sunday, December 15 at the latest to futureself.ukrant@gmail.com.

The letters will be published on Wednesday, December 18. If necessary, the editors reserve the right to shorten submissions.


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