Want to work for UKrant? We’re looking for student editors

Are you curious? Do you enjoy writing? Are you immersed in student life? Then working for UKrant might be for you.

We are looking for students who are interested in regularly writing news and feature stories about the University of Groningen and student life in Groningen.

What do we expect from you?

Enthusiasm, above all. And of course, an interest in news and writing, as well as a keen sense for fun and engaging stories. Journalistic experience is not required, but it’s a plus. We also expect that you have time for us, about one half-day per week.

What can you expect from us?

You’ll be part of a fun, friendly, and dynamic team of student editors, video makers, photographers, freelancers, and staff editors. We’ll help you further develop your writing skills. And not unimportantly: you won’t be doing it for free; you’ll get a fair compensation.


Send us a motivation letter, a concise and relevant CV (we don’t need to know if you were a cashier five years ago), and any previously written journalistic pieces by email to redactie@ukrant.nl by Monday, January 20, with ‘student editor’ in the subject line. We will contact you soon after.


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