No escaping UG caterer Beijk: ‘Even if you want a cup of tea, it goes through us.’

Beijk handles catering for all events at the university, but student associations try to sidestep the caterer. ‘Beijk is unaffordable.’

For smaller events, student associations often opt for locations outside the university, such as in the city centre. The reason: the mandatory use of pricey UG caterer Beijk. This is especially challenging for smaller associations with limited budgets.

Some associations prefer not to be named, fearing possible repercussions from Beijk. ‘If we say something, we might get into trouble’, says a committee member of one association.

156 euros for coffee and tea

Study association Sociëtas is willing to comment. They paid 156 euros for three pitchers of coffee and three pitchers of tea during a career fair, which also required hiring Beijk staff to serve the drinks.

‘That’s on the expensive side’, says chair Lynn Elzinga. Still, the association believes the career fair should take place at the university. ‘It’s the most convenient location. So, it’s only proper to order from Beijk.’

Fixed in the contract

The association considered asking Beijk for a discount. ‘But that’s not how it works.’ The university emphasises that Beijk’s prices and their permitted increases are contractually fixed.

Sociëtas held its year-end barbecue for around a hundred students outside the university to avoid the high costs. A standard barbecue from Beijk costs about 20 euros per person. ‘That’s unaffordable’, says Elzinga.

Too expensive

Biology association GLV Idun also finds Beijk too expensive and criticises the obligation to use Beijk for all catered events. ‘And there’s no real minimum for that’, says Beijk director Fokko van der Velde. ‘Even if you want to order a cup of tea, it goes through us.’

Bringing your own food

Idun frequently organises events in the city centre, as it is cheaper than using Beijk. The association chooses venues where they are allowed to bring their own food.

For their annual members’ barbecue – for over a hundred people with a limited menu – the psychology student association VIP does order from Beijk, as well as for a few other events.

VIP, the largest student association at UG, has a more comfortable budget. ‘The barbecue is manageable’, says Mads Boer, external relations officer. ‘We are mindful of the budget when ordering from Beijk, but it’s not like we’re forced to cancel things because of it.’

More atmosphere

The association holds a maximum of four events per year at the university, while the remaining fifty to sixty events are hosted elsewhere. ‘That’s because those events aren’t suitable for this setting’, says Boer. For example, the association prefers pubs for workshops or social gatherings, as they feel cosier.

The UG caterer claims not to have received any signals of people bypassing the service, says director Van der Velde. ‘Considering the volume of orders we receive, that’s not what we’d expect.’

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