Vindicat member presses charges

The student who suffered a major head trauma during Vindicat’s introduction period after a senior member stood on his head, has decided to report the abuse after all.
By Tim Bakker / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The Public Prosecution Office (OM) confirmed the development on Wednesday. The charges are not being pressed against the fraternity, emphasises OM spokesperson Manon Hoiting.

Due to the severity of the incident, the OM initiated its own criminal investigation on 4 October. Three days later, the Vindicat board pressed charges. The victim did not press charges straight away, but has now decided to do so

According to Hoiting, that will help the investigation. ‘Now that all parties are involved, it will make conversations and information gathering easier.’ It is not yet clear when the investigation will be conclude. ‘It’ll probably take a while. It’s difficult to really put a timeframe on that.’

After a senior Vindicat member stood on his head in August, the first year student was admitted to the hospital with cerebral oedema, a dangerous swelling in the brain caused by accumulating fluids.


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