University wants to abolish compensation for laptops and tablets

The UG no longer wants to compensate employees for a computer or tablet, instead providing them with that equipment itself.

This was announced in the memo ‘Hybrid working @ the UG is here to stay’, which will be discussed by the university council on Thursday.

Laptop scheme

Currently, employees are allowed to claim the costs for a computer or tablet that they purchase themselves every four years. The university sets minimum requirements that the devices must meet and a maximum for the costs.

People can claim up to 260 euros for a tablet, and 500 for a computer. If a device costs more, the employee pays the remainder. The costs for peripheral equipment such as a screen, webcam, mouse, or keyboard can also be claimed.

Security reasons

But the board of directors wants to put an end to this, ‘mostly for security and management reasons’. A plan is to be developed as soon as possible to abolish the laptop scheme. The board has proposed to set up a work group for this purpose.

It is still unclear when the change can actually take effect. In order to distribute computers and tablets themselves, the university must first have enough in stock. According to the memo, the plan should therefore be linked to the upcoming tender for workplace equipment.


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