Ukrainian refugees find shelter in Cornus flat

Ukrainian refugees have found a temporary home in the Cornus flat at the Kornoeljelaan in Selwerd. Eight people moved in on Monday, with more expected in the coming days. Most of them are women and children.

The eleven-storey flat, which opened its doors after a major renovation last month, was supposed to exclusively house international students. ‘But there are still rooms available, so that’s why the municipality asked if it is possible to make space for the people from Ukraine’, says Madelon van Gameren with housing company SSH, which rents out the building.

With 72 out of 321 rooms available, up to a hundred of refugees can be accommodated at the Cornus building until August 1. 

Since the rooms come furnished and each floor has an equipped kitchen, the new tenants have everything they need at first, including food donated by local organisations. ‘We received enough donations, so there’s no need to bring extra donations at the moment’, says Van Gameren. 

International students can still reserve a place at the Cornus, adds the SSH spokesperson. ‘If there are students who are still looking for a home, they can contact us.’


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