UG wants to train thousands of students for chip sector

The UG wants to train 3,200 students for the chip sector between 2025 and 2030, together with universities of applied sciences (UAP) and vocational schools in the Northern Netherlands. The plans are part of Project Beethoven, for which the government is providing 2.5 billion euros.

Project Beethoven is a broad package of measures through which the government aims to strengthen the Dutch microchip sector. Many of the measures are intended to support the growth of activities in Brainport Eindhoven, such as better infrastructure and housing in this region.

But there is also a great need for well-trained talent at all educational levels. The government has earmarked 450 million for this purpose until 2030, and structurally 80 million a year thereafter. Groningen, together with the regions of Enschede, Delft and Eindhoven, has been appointed to come up with a plan.

University of the North

The plan, which the UG developed with partners from the University of the North, has now been submitted. There are plans for several new programmes such as an instrument-making programme (vocational school), an associate degree in analytical engineering (UAP) and an engineering doctorate in autonomous systems (university).

The UG also wants to focus on increasing the intake of engineering students and reducing the dropout rate. ‘Our plans are so ambitious that we have already exceeded the budget’, says dean Joost Frenken of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Exactly how much money is coming to the North is still unknown, says Frenken. ‘But we are hopeful. So far, things are going well.’


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