UG staff gets to work from home for a maximum of two days

The UG is no longer advising staff to work from home. However, full-time employees will be allowed to continue working from home a maximum of two days a week.

The UG is creating a work-from-home policy for next academic year. The policy will detail the provisions, obligations, and remunerations. The UG has already decided that full-time employees can work from home a maximum of two days a week. People with fewer hours will have their work-from-home days calculated on the basis of those hours. 

Project group Hybride Werken will disseminate an extensive survey on working from home at the university this spring. They’ll then write a long-term plan. This will include things such as desks, shared rooms, hot-desking spaces, and home offices.

Face masks

The relaxations don’t apply to the medical faculty and the UMCG. People will continue to have to wear face masks there. Because much of the staff is in quarantine, health care workers can barely keep up, says Bert Schoenmaker, director of education and research. ‘Our healthy staff members are working so hard.’ 

The situation remains critical. ‘We postpone surgeries every day’, says UMCG spokesperson Joost Wessels. ‘We’re very close to having staff that’s infected but asymptomatic come in to work anyway’, says Schoenmaker.

Work stress

There are currently more than fifty covid patients in the hospital, the majority of whom came in for something else. This number isn’t causing a lot of work stress, but it does cause ‘twice the work’, according to Schoenmaker. That’s because employees have to put on and take off protective clothing for each patient visit, and take all sorts of precautions.

In order to ensure that the number of infections among staff doesn’t rise, the UMCG will still to the current restrictions, says spokesperson Wessels. The restrictions also apply to researchers, lecturers, and students: work from home half of the time, wear a face mask, social distancing, and no shaking hands.


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