UB open to Hanze students in third exam week

Public library closes ahead of move

UB will be open to Hanze students in third exam week

If you have exams in the third exam week this semester and you like studying in the UB, you’d better start getting up on time. From November 2, Hanze students will be allowed at the library as well.
By Giulia Fabrizi / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen
22 October om 13:53 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:18 uur.
October 22 at 13:53 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:18 PM.

The public library, which is traditionally where Hanze students hunker down with their books, is closing on November 2 to prepare for its move to the new Groninger Forum. Since the university of applied sciences students have an exam week that starts on November 4, the RUG has allowed them to study at the UB during the third exam week.

UB spokesperson Frank den Hollander says this shouldn’t lead to any issues. ‘The check-in system at the gates that currently only allows RUG students and staff to enter ends on November 1, so there won’t be any overlap’, he explains. 

Extra checks

The first week of November is also an exam week at the RUG, but Den Hollander says it shouldn’t be a problem. ‘There are definitely fewer students in the building during that last week, whereas it’s really busy during the first few exam weeks.’ That is why the library input extra checks a weekend earlier than they normally would during this exam period.

‘We’re helping out’, explains Den Hollander. ‘We can’t stay extend our opening hours for three whole weeks including the weekends. We don’t have the security or the funds. We’re doing our best to anticipate things this way.’


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