Tuition fees over 2,000 euros

In the next academic year, tuition fees will exceed 2,000 euros for the first time. From September onwards, full-time students will pay 2,006 euros.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Alain Reniers

This is part of a memo from the university board that will be discussed by the university council Thursday. Currently, full-time students pay 1,984 euros.

The tuition increase is no surprise; the Ministry of Education had already announced the increase in the Government Gazette. Several years ago, the Minister of Education decided that tuition fees would increase by 22 euros each year until the academic year of 2018/2019 in order to increase teacher salaries.

Price development

The 22 euro increase is the lowest in years. In 2013, the tuition increase was 64 euros, and one year later it was 71 euros, after which it dropped to 45 and 33 euros, respectively. The tuition fees are linked to the so-called consumer price index: due to the fact that average prices do not increase that drastically, the increase of the tuition is also reduced.


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