The university elections are coming up, but what does that mean again?

All UG students are allowed to vote next week for who they want to see in the university council and the faculty council. But what do those councils do again?

From Monday, May 13 to Friday, May 17, the university elections will be taking place. All students are allowed to cast two votes: one for the university council and one for their own faculty council.

This year, the elections are only for the student sections, so students are the only ones allowed to vote. The previously elected staff members are now nearly halfway through their two-year term.

The councils

The first vote goes to a candidate for the university council. The council represents the university community at the central level and its main task is to oversee the board of directors. They can provide advice and vote for or against issues such as educational innovation, new construction plans, the annual budget, and the university’s strategic plans.

The second vote is for the faculty council. Each faculty has its own council representing students and staff. It oversees the faculty board and also has a say and advisory rights on topics such as the budget, educational reforms, and strategic plans of the faculty.


Students who want to know more about the candidates can read up on them via the candidate lists. When logging in, they will see the lists for both the university council and their own faculty. All names are clickable and the links lead to a short biography and motivation.

Anyone who wants to vote next week just needs to log in to the election page. The link to the digital polling booth will be shared via student email. The election results will be announced on Tuesday, May 21, starting at 5:30 PM.


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