The uni is closed (again), but exams are still on

The university closed down again on Sunday due to the harsher Covid restrictions. On-site educational activities will cease immediately, but exams can continue as scheduled.

While outgoing prime minister Rutte extended the previous restrictions to January 14, people are so worried about the spread of the omicron strain that extra restrictions needed. 

Saturday night, the UG board of directors announced it was cancelling all on-site education until at least January 10. The only exception to the rule is practicums. Exams scheduled to take place before the Christmas vacation can also continue, with no limit to the number of people in the room. 

Pick up books

The University library (UB) is adjusting its opening hours so people can still pick up and return books. There’s a limited availability of study spots at the UB until January 10, since there’s a limit of seventy-people to a room.

Students will have to reserve a spot at the UB beforehand. The Special Collections section, the Documention on Dutch Political Parties and the Centre for Russian Studies are all closed until January 10.

Record classes

The UG buildings will all stay open but will only be accessible to people who absolutely need to be there, such as lecturers recording classes and people doing laboratory research. Anyone inside the buildings will have to wear a face mask at all times and make sure to stay at least five feet away from other people.

PhD ceremonies and orations will continue, but without audiences. Graduation ceremonies are cancelled, however. Students receiving their diplomas can make an appointment to pick it up. 


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