SPR saved

The sports association for RUG staff (SPR) will continue to exist. The members decided not to disband the association, but rather to move forward in a streamlined form.
By Maaike Vos / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The board presented two scenarios to the members: either the association would be disbanded and sport activities for staff would come to fall under the Sports Centre or SPR would continue to exist with Sports Centre assuming many of its duties. An overwhelming majority voted for the latter scenario.

The continued existence of sports facilities in the city centre is not in danger. Sports that will not be housed at the Sports Centre, such as fishing, will move to De Brug.

Membership fees up

However, the membership fees will increase because the Sports Centre is assuming financial and administrative duties. ‘We still have to negotiate this further, but it’ll probably end up being approximately 10 euros per person’, SPR president Gerald Lier said.

The president is satisfied with the meeting’s outcome. ‘All that’s left now is to figure out how to put everything into practice. It’s a puzzle, but we’ll make it work.‘ Sports Centre manager Hendrike Schut is satisfied that the members now have clarity. ‘We’ll be making our next move now to figure out how we’re going to do it all.’

Previously critical member Rieks Messchendorp was also appeased. ‘I’m very happy that the SPR will continue to exist and that the fishermen will be housed at De Brug.’


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