Spinning into the UB

The last wooden blockades in front of the UB at the Broerplein have disappeared. Now, two revolving doors grant entrance to the building.
By Rob Siebelink / Photos and translation by Traci White

Students, staff, employees and other visitors can enter the new lobby space housing the reception and the service desk via two revolving doors in the glass front. With the new entrance in use, the library renovations are drawing to a close.

But it is not done just yet. The final activities should be rounded off in May. The service desk will still be located on the third floor until mid-April, but then it will move to the new lobby area on the ground floor.

The new offices on the first floor will be finished by the end of April, at which point the employees will relocate to their new workspace. Completion of the renovations will be celebrated between 29 May and 2 June, including an open day.



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