Smoking completely banned on the street between UB and Academy building 

The smoke-free zone at the Broerstraat has been expanded. The municipality of Groningen did so at the UG’s request, since smokers at the entrance to the University Library (UB) were causing a nuisance. 

Earlier, the smoke-free zone only comprised the UG’s premises right outside the Academy building and the UB, as well as the street between the two buildings’ entrances. These areas are marked in purple and green on the map below.

The city has now added two zones, making the entire street in front of the Academy building smoke free. These are the orange squares on the map.

Increasing the smoke-free zone was one of the proposals made by the faculty boards and University Services, in an effort to curtail the nuisance caused by smokers near the university. 


The memo also proposed asking the municipality to place extra waste bins on the edges of UG grounds, as has already been done at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. They also want to set up a campaign to remind people that the UG is smoke free. 

The plans still have to be approved by the board of directors. Using stewards to remind smokers of the ban, also on the list, is not happening; it is too expensive.

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