Should the uni make MeToo training mandatory? Write to us

The University of Maastricht wants first-year students coming to the city in September to take a mandatory course on inappropriate behaviour. Should the UG do the same? Write to us!

Research done by Amnesty in 2021 showed that one in ten women are raped during their time at university. Statistics Netherlands recently said that approximately half of women aged sixteen to twenty-four were confronted with sexually inappropriate behaviour last year (15 percent of men in the same age bracket also experienced unwanted behaviour). 

Last week, the government presented the ‘National Action Plan on sexually inappropriate behaviour and sexual violence’ to the Lower House. Should the UG be taking action as well? What would a course like that look like? Should it be mandatory for first-year students? Or should everyone, including staff, be taking a course like this?

How do students and staff at the UG feel about the idea? UKrant would like to invite you to write a short opinion piece (200-250 words, please include your name) and email it to [email protected]. We’ll take the responses and turn them into a compilation.



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