RUG tops Keuzegids

Together with the Radboud University, the RUG is in shared first place in the new Keuzegids Universiteiten.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The RUG is at the top of the category of broad classical universities. According to the Keuzegids‘ editors, ‘only Groningen and Nijmegen have multiple programmes that stand out’.

Last year, the RUG was the second best classical university, just below Nijmegen. Out of the total of fourteen universities, Groningen is in sixth place.

The top

Nine bachelor programmes in Groningen have been deemed ‘top programmes’ this year: Archaeology (80 points), Econometrics and Operations Research (78), Liberal Arts and Sciences (88), Minorities & Multilingualism (88), Religious sciences (76), Chemical Engineering (80), Astronomy (78), Theology (78) and Philosophy (82).

Strikingly, Archaeology, Theology, and Philosophy have been assessed as top programmes for five years running.

According to the editors, the RUG generally performs well. ‘In our quality assessment, the RUG has been doing better on average than the universities in the Randstad. The students are often a bit more challenged here than elsewhere, and they feel the programmes are well-organised.’


Fifteen Groningen programmes are the best in their respective categories: Archaeology, Human Movement Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research, English Language and Culture, Pharmacy, Art History, Life Science and Technology, Media Studies, Minorities & Multilingualism, Dutch Language and Culture, Law at the Leeuwarden branch, Religious Sciences, Sociology, Astronomy, and Philosophy.

The lowest-scoring programmes are Communication and Information Studies (52), European Languages and Cultures (52), International and European Law (52), International Relations and International Organisation (54), and Arts, Culture and Media (54).


The Keuzegids Universiteiten is published every year by the Centre for Information on Higher Education (CHOI) and is aimed at high school students and study advisers looking to find out more about university bachelor programmes.

The assessments in the guide are based on, among other things, student assessments (from the National Student Survey), data from Studiekeuze123, and review reports from the NVAO (Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders), the organisation that takes a closer look at programme quality. There is a separate Keuzegids Masters for the master programmes.




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