Reducing opening hours has saved the UB up to 15 percent in energy

The UB has saved 10 to 15 percent in gas and electricity consumption by reducing its opening hours, according to the 6-month evaluation of the pilot project.

To better accommodate students’ needs, though, the library is extending the number of days with longer opening hours around exam periods.

During these days, the library is open from 8.30 a.m. until midnight and only UG students are allowed to reserve a study spot. An analysis of the visitor numbers showed increased occupancy around exam weeks – when many people leave the building as late as possible – so it is now extending the UG-only periods by five days each.


The UB launched its energy-saving pilot last December because of the explosive increase of energy costs last academic year. Since the building itself was already as energy efficient as possible, the only way to save more energy was by reducing the opening hours.

Since the UB’s occupancy analysis showed that the number of visitors significantly decreased on Friday evenings, opening hours on Fridays have been reduced, with the library closing at 8 p.m. instead of 10 p.m.

Closed floors

The opening hours on other weekdays and over the weekend remain the same as they were last academic year. In periods with lower numbers of visitors, like the summer break, the UB will close one or more floors to save energy.

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