Projects delayed by problems in Feringa Building

The issues with ventilation and fume cupboards in the Feringa Building have still not been fully resolved. Meanwhile, projects are experiencing delays.

‘It’s getting better every day’, emphasised portfolio holder for resources Esther Marije Klop at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) faculty council meeting. ‘But we are not yet where we want to be.’

In addition to the already known ventilation problems, there are also issues with the pipes through which ‘technical gases’, such as helium or oxygen, need to flow.


Particularly problematic is the fact that temporary projects are experiencing delays as a result. Normally, extensions would be granted for such issues, but due to financial problems, this is not currently possible. According to Klop, seeking compensation from the builders for such damage is ‘very difficult’.

For other problems, the builders are indeed liable, Klop explained, such as when they have installed things differently from what the building plans specified. However, there are also cases where the faculty itself changed its perspective, or the drawings were incorrect. In those instances, the faculty has to cover the costs incurred.


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