Post gone, car park freely accessible

Because one of the telescopic parking posts at the car park at the Harmonie building is out of order, the park has temporarily become available to everyone, not just RUG staff.
By Joas de Jong / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Normally, the posts retreat into the ground when a RUG employee scans their card, but one of the posts is currently missing, while the other one is permanently retracted.

Robert Rossingh, team leader of the internal service at the Harmonie building, is working hard to solve the issue. He hopes no one will take advantage of the missing post.

‘There are currently no problems at the car park’, says Rossingh; no one has parked there who shouldn’t. ‘The park is full anyway, because we use all the available spaces ourselves.’


It will probably take another month before the missing post is replaced. The parts were ordered before the Christmas holidays, but they won’t be delivered for another few weeks.

‘We’ve told the supplier that we’re in a rush’, says Rossingh, ‘but once the parts are delivered we will still need to install them. That takes time as well.’

Several months ago the university switched to a card system to give RUG staff access to the car park. Since then, the posts only lower on those days an employee is actually scheduled to work.


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