Parties in university council angry: ‘New demonstration rules not with our consent’

Student party Lijst Calimero and the Personeelfractie (personnel faction) in the university council are angry with the board over its new house rules for demonstrations.

According to the two parties, who together have fourteen of the twenty-four seats, giving them a majority in the council, the university keeps saying that the house rules were introduced with consent of the council. But that is incorrect, says Calimero leader Ale ten Cate.

The house rules were discussed by the council in February. The Personeelsfractie, supported by Lijst Calimero, then asked the UG to repeal them. They felt the rules restrict the right to demonstrate too much.

Photos and videos

The UG did adjust the rules slightly afterwards. The ban on taking photos and video recordings during protests in UG buildings was taken out. But the board didn’t amend any of the other principles.

To now pretend the negative opinion of the two parties is approval ‘is simply an incorrect way of describing things’, Ten Cate said, pointing out that the house rules are extra topical now that pro-Palestinian actions are taking place at several universities.

‘Step too far’

‘It is one thing for the board to ignore our unsolicited advice. But to then pretend that the protest rules were approved harmoniously is taking is a step too far,’ Ten Cate says.

Lijst Calimero further points out that several organisations inside and outside the university have criticised the new rules, but that the board isn’t listening to anyone. The Groninger Student Union (GSb) has started a petition to get the UG to abandon the rules.

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