Out on the town with: Rawan | Doing yoga at the Stadspark

There’s so much to do in Groningen that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. Every week, UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: Yoga in the Park

Summer is finally here and it’s hard to stay home while the sun is shining and there’s a cool breeze blowing. Every Sunday, I wake up and hear the Stadspark calling me for a relaxing yoga session at noon. 

I first joined the yoga group when I arrived in Groningen last September. Since then, I have regularly attended the sessions. During winter, they took place in a gym, since it was too cold to go outside. But starting this month, the weather makes it perfect to practise in the open air. 

Under the guidance of a volunteer professional yoga trainer, we spend an hour breathing, relaxing, and stretching to relieve all the week’s stress and prepare for an energetic start to the week. It is a free activity, and sometimes you can bring a snack and chat with people after the session. 

Doing yoga in the park feels so good as you connect to nature, focus on your inner soul, and strengthen your muscles and body. Nothing can be more enjoyable and relaxing than hearing the sound of the birds and smell the greenery while feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Try it!

Yoga in the Park
Location: Stadspark
Time: Every Sunday at noon
Price: free

Where you’ll find me this week

This dance performance explores the confusing moments when you lose your physical or metaphorical balance. I would love to attend the performance to enjoy the aesthetic of dance and participate in the after-performance talk for some inspiring insights.

I’m very interested in discovering the indie pop music of CYNN and since she’s performing live in Simplon’s Bovenzaal, I’ll be there. She delves into her own experiences for her songs and sings about the times she’s felt numb or didn’t know where she stands in life.

If you are interested to know the hidden stories and secrets behind your favourite animated characters, whether it’s Snow White or Robin Hood, this exhibition is for you. I’m always interested in the creative process behind all these international iconic figures that everyone knows and loves. It is a chance to see how ideas become reality and become part of the collective human memory, reminding people of when they were children.

Festival season is the perfect time to discover more of the Netherlands, but there’s at least one festival – not this week, but next month – you don’t need to leave beautiful Groningen for: the Saturday Afternoon Collective Festival. I’m going to book my ticket and enjoy the music and creativity in an extraordinary place with many stages and a nice atmosphere.  



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