Out on the town with: Julianne | Frolicking with dogs at Zondag

There’s so much to do in Groningen, that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. Every week, UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events in the upcoming weeks are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: Zondag

It’s just past four in the afternoon, and I’m cycling to one of the best spots in Groningen. I wonder if I’ll still find what I love about this place at this time of day.

Once I arrive in the heart of the Noorderplantsoen, I take a seat on one of the beer benches next to eetcafé Zondag. On busy summer days, this outdoor terrace buzzes with activity. On quiet spring days like today it’s a perfect place to unwind.

After five minutes of soaking up the sun on the bench, I find what I was actually looking for: around the corner from the bushes, I see one of the first cheerful four-legged friends appear.

Around the corner from the bushes, I see one of the first cheerful four-legged friends appear

The dog in question is two-year-old Lucky, and like other dogs, he loves the dog-walking field next to Zondag. I’m quite sure of that as I watch him contentedly gazing ahead.

His happy owner tells me it often gets busier from half past four onwards, with more dogs and owners gathering at the field, even though it’s officially no longer allowed.

‘The residents across the street have complained about the noise,’ explains Lucky’s owner, pointing to the houses opposite the field. ‘But really, they shouldn’t have moved next to a park,’ she adds with a laugh.

Dog lovers don’t need to worry: you’ll still be able to see Lucky around here often.

Kruissingel 1
Opening hours: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., kiosk next to the restaurant 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Where you’ll find me in the coming weeks:

Making important decisions and figuring out what you want to do with your life is something everyone faces. So does young María Margarita in the film The Movie Teller. If the trailer is anything to go by, it’s a beautiful film where you see María choosing between following her talent or her duty. Oh, and bonus: if you go this Thursday, you can see the film for half price due to the national premiere discount.

I find searching for great vintage items a sport in itself. But when you find something and can buy it for a bargain, it’s very satisfying. And for those who don’t succeed, don’t worry: you can always console yourself with a beer or snacks from the food trucks at this vintage market.

I’ve always found dance beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing the same passion for dance in VIBES, the final presentation by students of the Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts (LMIPA). They will showcase what they’ve worked so hard for all year. Not only dancing, but also acting and singing come together in the two performances to entertain and inspire the audience.

  • EM2 | Suikermarkt
    When: July 7, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Price: €4

Besides Klein Berlijn, there’s another upcoming market where vintage lovers can indulge. There’s a small entrance fee, but it’s worth it: you’ll find not only vintage items, food trucks, and live music, but also a ‘hammock garden’. That promises to be something special.


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