Out on the town with: Eoin | Relaxing underneath the stars at DOT’s planetarium

There’s so much to do in Groningen, that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. Every week, UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events in the upcoming week are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: DOT’s planetarium

I always hear that Groningen is a village. As someone from an actual village, I can say it is not, but I agree it can feel very small; so much that after a couple of months you might think you know everywhere there is to go. I’ve learned that it’s easy to miss some gems, though.

For instance, I pass by DOT every day, and swim at the city beach right next to it most mornings. Yet amazingly, I never knew it had a planetarium until a friend took me this semester – and I am very glad she did!

Every time I go, I am amazed, really. It’s pretty wild to hear about where Earth sits in space, with millions of other planets, moons, stars, asteroids, meteors, comets – maybe aliens – all being moved around by gravitational forces and…

A trip to the planetarium is a gentle bi-weekly reminder of how big the world truly is

Okay, I won’t try and explain that stuff, because I’ll butcher it, but the UG astronomy students who narrate the show do so really well. And if you have any questions, then they are always happy to answer questions afterwards.  

So when the place goes dark at the start, and all I see above me are stars, I know I’m in for a great show. It’s relaxed, pretty funny at times too, and I always get something out of going there: not just knowledge, but also perspective.

That’s the best part for me, because after months on the eternal cycle of study-work-socialise-sleep, the world begins to feel very small, and a trip to the planetarium is a gentle bi-weekly reminder of how big it truly is, and how small you and your issues are in the universe. A tired cliché, I know, but worth remembering.

Vrydemalaan 2
Shows every Wednesday at 20:00 (alternating Dutch and English)
Price: €7.50

Where you’ll find me this week:

  • 01/05 Usva Theatre: Usva Jam Session
    Time: 20:00
    Price: Free entry

I’ll admit, I am fairly tone deaf, so for everyone’s sake I won’t be going anywhere near the stage, but I love hearing live music, especially when people are just jamming! I’m not sure what exactly will be played, but I’ll be at this student session on Monday night to have a drink and soak it in.

  • 02/05 Vera: Boy
    Time: Doors open 20:00, starts 20:30
    Price: €5 (online)

This is one of those movies that I have heard a lot about, but haven’t gotten around to watching. I’ve also never been to an event at Vera; so, a couple of firsts for me this Tuesday when I go see the acclaimed comedy/drama Boy at the venue. Vera is meant to be great for events, and I have never seen a Taika Waititi movie that I didn’t love – so I’m hyped.

  • 03/05 Pathé: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
    Time: 20:00 – 22:45
    Price: €13.50 (online or at the door)

I am a bit of a dork for Marvel movies and have been looking forward to this for a while, so I am going to be sitting back, relaxing, and watching it, at Pathé, on Wednesday night when it is released.  

  • 04/05 Oost: Anti-Squat X Bevrijdingsnacht
    Time: 23:59 – 06:00
    Price: €10 (online)

I had never even heard of drum and bass music until I went to a live show a couple of weeks ago and have been vibing with it since. So I am excited to check the local and international DJs and the atmosphere they can create at one of Groningen’s top venues Thursday night!

  • 05/05 Stadspark Drafbaan: Liberation Day Festival
    Time: 11:30 – 23:45
    Price: Free admission

I’m always up for a festival – especially one that is free entry all day. Truth be told, I don’t know any of the over thirty artists on show, and I think many of them will be singing in Dutch, so I won’t understand a word. But it doesn’t matter to me: I’m happy to go for the vibes, and get my first look at how the Dutch celebrate Liberation Day.


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