The board of the Faculty of Science and Engineering wants research directors to work harder to hire female professors. Too few women end up on the shortlist in case of a vacancy.
At least 40 percent of women on the shortlist of candidates for assistant, associate, or full professors should be women. FSE implemented this rule back in 2018. But in reality, that number is hard to reach. ‘BACs usually mention the percentage of female applicants is far less’, writes temporary dean Rob Timmermans to the research directors.
That’s because not enough women apply for the position. Nevertheless, the faculty board feels research institutes should work harder to increase the number of female professors.
From now on, they’ll not only have to submit vacancies including profiles of their dream candidates, but they also have to explain how they’ll encourage women to apply.
Recruit candidates
The faculty board suggests that members of the selection advice committee and other staff members should approach female academics in their own networks. They could also hire external advisors to recruit candidates or disseminate the vacancy among channels that focus specifically on female academics.
The faculty board also wants programme directors to constantly be on the lookout for female talent that could be approached for a position in the future. Colleagues who participate in evaluation panels for prestigious grants like ERC may provide valuable input, the board writes.
‘We also advise you to follow former successful MSc students, PhD students and postdocs of the institute, as they may be particularly interested in returning to Groningen.’