New student complex solves housing shortage with mandatory roommate

The realisation of new student complex Proxima on the Zernike Campus seems to be paying off: of the 401 emergency beds, more than 280 are still available.

The 401 rooms at Proxima can be double-occupied from August to November, thanks to an additional built-in foldaway bed. Tenants agree that during this peak period, they might have a roommate. This allows the building to house a maximum of 802 students.

Rooms available

There are also still regular rental options available, says a spokesperson for student housing provider SSH. ‘We still have seventeen rooms available, but they’re filling up quickly’, she says. ‘The number of emergency accommodation spots taken up is comparable to last year. So far, it’s going very well.’

Until a year ago, emergency accommodation was arranged annually by the municipality of Groningen in collaboration with SSH. Since 2018, there have been several years where the demand for rooms during the peak period was so high that some students started their studies without a place to stay. The construction of a student complex on Zernike was expected to solve that problem, according to the municipality.


The rooms are spread across ten ‘houses’. ‘This means students will live with either forty other people, or a maximum of eighty’, says the spokesperson. ‘The idea is that students will feel less anonymous than in a large building, as they will start to recognise the other people living in their house.’

The sense of community is further enhanced by the shared spaces. Although each room has its own shower and toilet, each house shares a large kitchen. According to the spokesperson, it is designed so that even during the busiest periods, everyone can find a place to sit or cook in peace.

For a regular furnished room of about 20 square metres, students pay 770 euros per month (including gas, water, electricity, internet, taxes, and service charges). Students can stay at Proxima for up to one year. Those staying longer in Groningen will need to find a new room elsewhere at the end of this year.

Half the rent

Students who get a roommate during the peak period will temporarily have their rent reduced by nearly half. An emergency bed costs around 400 euros per month.

The emergency accommodation is officially open until November 29.

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