New name for technical studies

From this month forward, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is now officially called the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The new name is meant to draw in more foreign students.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Alain Reniers

The new name emphasises the faculty’s international character, RUG spokesperson Gernant Deekens says. ‘Nearly all programmes are taught in English and the faculty has many international students and researchers,’ he says.

The new name also ensures that the faculty’s study programmes and research are more recognisable abroad. Deekens says that this is due to the terms ‘science’ and ‘engineering’.

Not a Dutch name

Several months ago, the name change was already announced in the faculty council by the faculty board. A Dutch name was then introduced: the Faculteit Bétawetenschappen en Technologie. However, due to the faculty’s international character, an exclusively English name was opted for in the end.

The faculty board stated that ‘promoting the technical profile’ of the faculty was an important reason for changing the name.

Photo: RUG


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