Is the UG sufficiently diverse and inclusive? Fill out our survey

Is the UG doing enough to be an inclusive university? UKrant and eighteen other independent newspapers at research universities and universities of applied sciences are participating in a study on inclusivity and diversity in higher education.

In 2020, the Dutch Lower House held a spirited debate on a National Plan of Action to improve diversity and inclusivity. Broadly speaking, there were two schools of thought.

The first one said institutes shouldn’t focus on diversity or background, but rather on quality, while the second one said that quality sometimes gets suppressed because certain people are discriminated against.

Is the UG sufficiently diverse and inclusive? How do students and staff feel about the steps the university has taken over the past few years? Do they think more should be done? If so, what? Or do they think the university has gone too far?


To answer these questions, the university newspapers have joined forces to set up a national survey. This will give us an overview of how Groningen as well as the rest of higher education institutes are doing.

The survey also allows you to share your own experiences. Have you ever felt excluded, or worse, discriminated against? If you have, did you know where to turn to?

We do need your help: fill out the survey. You have until Friday, October 21. Please note: there are separate surveys for students and for staff. Filling it out takes approximately 10 minutes. The survey is available in both Dutch and English.

I’m in!

For students, click here

For staff, click here

All answers will be processed anonymously. There is space for you to indicate that UKrant can contact you.

About this study

This project was initiated by the Kring van hoofdredacteuren van hoger onderwijs media, which UKrant is a part of.

It’s sponsored by the Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek, an organisation that supports research journalism in the Netherlands.

The survey was created based on conversations with editors of all participating newspapers and was written by research agency Newcom.


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