Heavy-hitting delegation in Yantai

‘China’ is not simply falling into line with the RUG’s plans for a campus in Yantai.
By Traci White and Peter Keizer / Translation by Traci White

The Chinese Ministry of Education does not appear to be on the verge of approving of the RUG’s application to launch a branch campus in the Chinese city of Yantai. The ministry has indicated that certain changes still need to be made. This development was included in a report on the website of China Agricultural University. Which aspects need changing was not mentioned.

RUG president Sibrand Poppema travelled with a delegation of 25 university employees to Yantai to meet with representatives from the partner university CAU and discuss how to address those issues.


The RUG was under the impression that a decision would come from the Chinese Ministry of Education this month granting the university permission to start the campus. According to a report (see screenshot) on CAU’s site, in addition to covering the educational and research plans for Yantai, the leadership structure, design of the campus buildings and the number of eventual employees were also discussed.

In addition to members of the RUG’s Board of Directors, representatives from General Administrative and Legal Affairs, communications, Property and Investment Projects, Human Resource Management, the Language Centre, Office of the University and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences were also present.

Whether the Chinese ministry’s points of criticism will mean a delay in the plans is not known. Spokespeople from the RUG were not available for comment.

CAU vice president Fu Zetian spoke optimistically about the new phase of the collaboration between the universities. Zetian described the working visit over the past four days as productive, but also stated that much work remains to be done. ‘We are looking forward to the arrival of the University of Groningen Yantai.

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