Groningen in top 5 of world ranking of most sustainable universities

This year, the UG is in fourth place in the GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities. Wageningen University & Research is number one on the sustainability list.

While Groningen has gone down one place since last year, it’s still easily in the top 5. The UG scores well when it comes to waste management and water usage, but a little below the top three universities in the areas of energy usage and energy sustainability. 

The GreenMetric is an initiative by Universitas Indonesia. Its goal is to increase sustainability awareness at universities. The universities participate in the ranking voluntarily, filling out an online questionnaire. This year, 1,050 universities participated in the ranking. 

Nottingham Trent University and the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom are in second and third place, respectively. A total of three Dutch universities signed up for the rankings. In addition to Wageningen and Groningen, Leiden is the third Dutch university in the rankings. It came in twelfth place. 


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