Former UG student remains in pre-trial detention for threatening and stalking

The former student in pre-trial detention for stalking and threatening employees of the UG and the UMCG will remain in custody for the time being.

This was decided by the court on Monday afternoon during a new pro forma hearing. The judges did find it worrying that the investigation into the suspect’s mental state has still not been completed and urged the Probation Service to hurry. That investigation was already ordered by the court in August 2023.

The woman, who was not present at the hearing, studied dentistry but was expelled for not performing well. She disagreed, after which a conflict arose between her, the UMCG, and the UG.


During this conflict, she regularly returned to the faculty to prove her case and did not shy away from putting up posters accusing staff members of fraud by name and photo. Furthermore, she harassed employees, including UKrant editors, being aggressive, intimidating, and threatening people.

Despite a ban on entering buildings, she kept coming back, and the threats continued online as well. After being reported by the UG and the UMCG, among others, she was arrested in November 2023. Since then, she has been in pre-trial detention.

Chance of recidivism

The prosecutor said in court that it is very likely that the suspect will face a hospital order. ‘Psychological treatment is important to prevent recidivism,’ she said. ‘Without a plan, it is not responsible to release the accused.’

According to the ex-student’s lawyer, the things she is accused of (insult, ‘thefts’, and threats) represent very little in criminal terms and do not justify her being detained for months now.

The next hearing – which will still not be substantive – is on August 22. By then, the judge does want the accused to come to court and for the psychological examination to be completed.

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