Final Selwerd flat nearly ready, for internationals only

The renovations on the Selwerd flat at the Kornoeljelaan are nearly finished. The flat will be named Cornus, and will be managed by SSH, just like it was before the renovations. And it will be for international students only.

The building has undergone the same metamorphosis as the former flats Selwerd 1 and 2, now named Dragant and Acero, respectively. Dragant was finished in 2019, while Acero was earlier this year. The building will have 321 rooms, each approximately 19 square metres. The rooms come with their own shower and toilet, and each floor will have a shared kitchen and living room for every seven rooms.

Housing corporation Lefier, which owns the property, says the renovations represent a ‘considerable quality improvement’ compared to its previous state. Previously, students shared showers and toilets with everyone else on the floor, and the rooms were smaller. The rooms will still be rented out by SSH, which means they’ll be exclusively for international students.

321 rooms

‘We’ve been working with SSH for a few years now because of their expertise and experience with short-stay contracts for international students’, says Antje Hooghiem with Lefier. ‘We’re happy to continue our partnership for this property. The renovations meant that we could rent out the building for a year. But the need for housing among students remains high. Fortunately, the 321 fully modernised rooms will soon be available again.’

SSH has already started the process of renting out the rooms. Students will be able to move into the flat on February 1, 2022. ‘We think this is a great step in improving both the quality and the affordability of housing for international students in Groningen’, says Jolien Stokroos, team manager at SSH. ‘We hope the new students feel at home here.’


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