RUG changing exam times
The exams at the Aletta Jacobs hall, external buildings, and some faculties, will start at 8.30 AM rather than 9 this academic year. The time between exams has been shortened from two hours to forty-five minutes. This means the university can schedule four exams a day and plan fewer exams on Friday evenings and Saturdays.
The RUG says the change is needed because there are fewer external spaces available for exams. This also means that more students will be in and around places like the Aletta Jacobs hall.
Extra support
To prevent panic, the RUG is adding extra support. But they do warn that they can’t prevent all issues. They ask students to take each other into account and be quiet in and around the exam halls.
The change to the exam times will be on a trial basis. The RUG will evaluate the change after the first exam period. Students who want to complain about how the exams are run can do so at their department’s exam committee.