Feringa awarded honorary doctorate in Johannesburg

Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Johannesburg (UJ). It’s Feringa’s first honorary doctorate.
By Giulia Fabrizi / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The UJ is honouring Feringa for his invention of ‘molecular motors’: that is, molecules that move under the influence of light. He eventually hopes to be able to use them to deliver medication to hard-to-reach places in the body.

According to Debra Meyer, executive dean of the Faculty of Science at UJ, Feringa’s molecular motors are ‘undeniably unique and innovative, and promise to revolutionise treatment options for various diseases’.


Meyer hopes that Feringa will serve as an example for the Faculty of Science at UJ. ‘He has an undoubtedly stellar career and we envision that in the faculty he will serve as a motivator for up and coming researchers.’

‘[He can act as] an advisor in research fields already under development within the faculty (which coincidentally are directly in line with his areas of interest), and an overall indicator of what hard work and dedicated science can achieve.’


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