Face masks mandatory again, more working from home

Starting Saturday, November 6, wearing a face mask will once again be mandatory on university premises. Starting Wednesday, November 3, everyone should be working from home at least 50 percent of the time.

Outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte announced the new restrictions on Tuesday night during the press conference on the corona restrictions. A month ago, Rutte said he was hoping to do away with all corona restrictions on November 1. However, the number of infections has only risen since then, which means the government is instating stricter measures.

Last week the UG announced that as of Monday face masks are mandatory in the Aletta Jacobs exam hall, because it was very crowded at the start of exams.

Due to the new restrictions made by the government, face masks will once again be mandatory in all publicly accessible buildings and covered areas that don’t require a corona pass, such as shops, libraries, train stations, amusement parks, and institutes of higher education. People will also have to wear face masks at the hairdresser, and other places where they come into close contact with others.

Corona pass

The outgoing government is also expanding the use of the corona pass. People will have to show their QR code in outside restaurants and cafés, in museums, and at the gym. 

Public health minister Hugo de Jonge also said the government is working on a new law to expand the use of the corona pass even further. Under the potential new law, employers would be allowed to ask their staff to show a QR code to prove that they are vaccinated.

It’s unclear whether the outgoing government is considering instating the use of the corona pass in higher education, as was rumoured earlier this week.


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