Dozens of infections at Vindicat and Albertus (UPDATE)

Six Albertus members and dozens of Vindicat members were recently infected with the coronavirus. Albertus thinks the infections happened at a party at their club house that was attended by nine hundred people, while Vindicat is still looking for the source.

Since the corona restrictions were relaxed, both associations have opened their doors to members again. They’re both using Testen voor Toegang: members are only allowed inside if they’ve been tested for the coronavirus beforehand and can prove they were negative for it at the door.

In spite of this, six Albertus members were infected with the coronavirus last week during a party at the club house attended by nine hundred members.

No maximum

Rector Wessel Giezen estimates dozens of people were infected at Vindicat. Since the relaxations, Vindicat members have gathered by the hundreds several times. ‘We don’t have a maximum for the number of people allowed to attend events. It was busy on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, as well as for Sunday night football. We had between seven hundred and a thousand people inside.’

Giezen says they haven’t yet determined where people got infected. ‘It’s not certain it was any of those nights. I talked to the public health service yesterday and they couldn’t say whether people got infected at the club house. They’re still busy with their contact tracing.’

On Tuesday morning, he started working on getting an overview of the number of infections at the association.


It’s unclear whether more people were infected at Albertus. The six infected members’ close contacts have been approached by the public health service for contact tracing. Everyone is being advised to quarantine for five days and getting tested for the virus on the fifth day.

The association has strongly advised the other attendees to also get tested in five days. After a meeting with the public health service, Albertus has decided to stay open. People will still have to present a negative test from Testen voor Toegang.


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