Break-in at University Museum

On Tuesday night, thieves stole the cash drawer from the University Museum. Unfortunately for them, it was empty.
By Peter Keizer / Photos by Traci White / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The burglars used a stone commemorating Theodorus van Swinderen – the professor of natural history who died in 1851 – to enter the building. ‘They broke the reinforced glass window on the side of the building with the stone, and climbed in through the hole’, says building manager Gertie Krajenbrink.

The thieves were after money, but the cash drawer they took is empty, says Krajenbrink. ‘It’ll probably take them a while to get it open, but there’s nothing in it. They basically caused a lot of damage for nothing.’


The break-in was discovered by chance on Wednesday morning by one of the builders working on the adjacent University Library (UB). Police investigated the matter on Wednesday morning. ‘This is the first time that we’ve had such a brutal break-in. They used a lot of force to break the window’, says Krajenbrink.

While no money was taken, the building manager is pretty angry about the break-in. ‘The window is ten metres high and one metre wide. And just like all other university buildings, we don’t have insurance.’


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