Branch in Germany

The RUG has opened a branch in the German city of Papenburg. The location is meant to ensure better partnerships with our neighbours to the east.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The office in the Marienhospital, called University of Groningen North West Germany (UGNWG) was announced back in 2013. In the meantime, several partnerships were set up between researchers at the RUG and companies and institutes from the border region, according to the university.

The branch in Papenburg is meant to reinforce the relationship between the RUG and the German partners and will serve as an operating base for new initiatives.

‘It will lead to internships and job opportunities for recent graduates. Additionally, the German network will lead to new research possibilities that will benefit the economic development of the region’, says RUG president Sibrand Poppema.

Medical internships

The Germans hope that the branch will eventually help solve the shortage of medical personnel in the region. According to the RUG, more than a hundred internships for medical students have been created in Germany.

In addition, the university is working together with German partners on various projects in the fields of energy, health, logistics, public administration and the environment.


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