Auke ‘Freddie’ de Boer rocks

This is what ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ sounded like on the Academy tower’s bells. Carriloneur Auke ‘Freddie’ de Boer pulled out all the stops to perform Queen’s song on the bells.
Text by Rob Siebelink / Video by Sjef Weller

And lest we forget: ‘Stairway to Heaven’ (Led Zeppelin), ‘Main Titles’ (Ramin Djawadi, also known as the Game of Thrones title song), ‘Yesterday’ (The Beatles), ‘House of the Rising Sun’ (The Animals), and ‘Born in the USA’ (Bruce Springsteen) were also on the UK carillon playlist and could be heard by those in the vicinity of the Broerplein.

Auke de Boer played the songs at the request of the UK, which had called on people to send in songs they wanted to hear. The reason for the concert was the fact that De Boer is celebrating his 20th anniversary as the RUG carilloneur.

The special UK carillon concert lasted from 10 to 11 a.m., starting and ending with a rock classic (by Led Zeppelin and Queen, respectively). The Universiteitskrant’s editors handed out hot chocolate to celebrate the occasion.

Would you like to listen to the songs again? Click the recordings below.


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