Alexia van Oranje continues tradition and enrols in study at UG

Alexia van Oranje (18), the second daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, has enrolled in a study at the UG.

So reports Dagblad van het Noorden. The university has confirmed the enrolment, but also says it does not mean that Alexia (born June 26, 2005) will actually come to Groningen. It’s possible that she has enrolled at several universities, the UG told the newspaper, and might still choose something else.

Dagblad van het Noorden traced the enrolment to a mail address in the UG’s address file that could only belong to the princess. That would have been a mistake of the uni; the email address was not supposed to have been kept in the database.

Café Soestdijk

What Alexia will study when she comes to Groningen is unknown. The UG and Groningen have a tradition when it comes to studying princes and princesses. Princess Christina (pedagogy), Prince Maurits (economics) and Prince Bernhard Jr. (also economics) preceded her.

Moreover, while working behind the bar at café Soestdijk in downtown Groningen, Maurits met business administration student Marilène van den Broek – now his wife and princess. Princess Marilène is still connected to the UG as a member of the College of Alumni.


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