Aletta Jacobs mural again target of protest, this time for social safety

Some fifty UG students and staff plastered the Aletta Jacobs mural with portraits of Susanne Täuber and the text #AmINext? on Wednesday afternoon.

Am I next? That is the big question the protesters asked themselves. Because, one of them shouted through a megaphone, if a scientist researching social safety is fired for writing about a lack thereof at the university, who is next?

Is there still academic freedom? Is social freedom sufficiently safeguarded? Can people at university still speak out against sexism, harassment or bullying? The dozens of attendees fear that if Susanne Täuber – who is challenging her intended dismissal in court – actually has to leave, that will no longer be the case.


That is why on Wednesday, they plastered the mural, which now seems to have become the university’s soapbox. The protesters wanted not only to show their solidarity with Täuber, but also to express their concerns about social and academic freedom at the university.

During their demonstration, they called for Täuber to be given her job back and to be allowed to do her work in freedom. They are also fighting for a ‘safe and independent procedure’ for people who are victims of harassment and intimidation, and for stronger policies to protect academic freedom.

The court will rule on the case of Täuber versus the UG this Friday.



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