RUG quits Study Centre

A year after the Study Centre opened at the Zernike campus, the RUG wants to quit the preparatory programme for foreign students coming to study in Groningen.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The Holland International Study Centre Groningen prepares students from outside the EU for their studies at the RUG. It helps them brush up on their English language skills, among other things. But RUG president Sibrand Poppema says the results have been disappointing.

‘We’ve assessed the results and looked at the success rate of the students who followed the programme. And that rate is much too low to continue the programme’, according to Poppema.

According to the Board of Directors president, the RUG will therefore not extend the contract they have with Study Group, the British organisation behind the Study Centre, for next year.

Last year, approximately 50 students started the programme to prepare for their studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. This year, the programme was expanded to include students who aspired to study at the Faculty of Economy and Business. The faculties will be informed of the terminated contract with Study Group, Poppema says.

The Study Centre has branches in Groningen and in Amsterdam. In Groningen, they also collaborate with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences.


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