Vindicat member detained

A 20-year-old member of Vindicat has been detained by the police after firing an air gun at a Vindicat house.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Traci White

The student fired a fun at the house on Monday evening following a disagreement with one or more of the house’s occupants. ‘He was seeking payback’, says a police spokesperson. ‘One of the windows in the building was broken.’

In a statement posted by Vindicat on their own site, the association indicated that the shooter was a member of the association.

On Wednesday afternoon, the residents decided to report the destruction and threatening behaviour to the police. ‘We began an investigation and were able to detain the suspect about an hour later’, according to the spokesperson. The student gave a statement at the station and was allowed to return home after that.


The police are now rounding off the case. ‘Once that is completed, we will share the details with the Public Prosecutor. They will determine what sort of sentence to give him’, says the police spokesperson.

According to the police, this altercation is not connected to any of the other incidents that have transpired at the association in recent weeks.


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